
UMES Professor Appointed to Editorial Board

Dr. Karin Klenke, professor and research coordinator in the Organizational Leadership Ph.D. Program at UMES has been appointed to the editorial board of The International Leadership Journal.

According to Dr. Klenke, the journal is a new, peer-reviewed periodical that promotes new, innovative, provocative and controversial perspectives in the field of leadership studies and offers integrative, international and inter-organizational approaches to the study of leadership from different theoretical and epistemological perspectives.

Dr. Klenke currently serves on the editorial boards of The International Journal of Mixed Methods Research; Leadership, the premier European leadership journal; The Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion; an Academy of Management publication; the Journal of Leadership and Organization Development; and The Qualitative Report. In addition, Dr. Klenke serves as guest editor of a special issue of The Journal of Management Systems, (Flagship of the Association of Management) titled Mary Parker Follet: Prophet of Management, Prophet of Chaos.


YES, it IS Time For A Change - in ideas!

I recently read an article by Robert I. Sutton called Making a Case for Evidence-Based Management in which he states “We keep pretending the same old ideas are brand-new, and we never learn from what’s already happened. ”

The purpose of AoM/IAoM’s blog is the spread of ideas and arguments that will change the way people think. Ideas can’t spread when people are fixated in their ideologies and conditioned to ignore arguments. We want to harness the power of people, ideas and communities of knowledge providers and creators and bring together theoreticians, researchers, practitioners, and concerned participants interested in making significant contributions to emergent new paradigms in the domains of Management, Education, Leadership, and Technology;

So consider this your invitation to debate, discuss and exchange ideas - a conversation, not a monologue or an infomercial. And as such, we not only want, but need, your participation. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas if you believe in them. Let’s keep the current flowing - ideas that flow from person to person, leaving a stream of changed minds in their wake.


Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership

by Karin Klenke
(Click book title for more information)

Review written by Renee Escoffery-Torres
"UMES Doctoral Student", Hampton, Virginia USA

As a budding qualitative researcher in the field of organizational leadership, Dr. Karin Klenke's landmark text has emerged as an invaluable resource pertaining to the design and development of qualitative research approaches, specifically considered in the broader context of leadersip studies. Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership captures a more comprehensive appreciation of not only qualitative research as paradigm but as method, and helps to diminish the consistent skepticism so frequently associated with qualitative research, perceived by some undiscerning researchers as an inauthentic, imprecise approach to empirical responsibility.

Although content is not explicated in "how-to" primer fashion, the book provides all-encompassing guidance for every qualitative consideration--from understanding elements and principles used for a specific method, to the major attributes of a particular design, including strategies for collection and subsequent analysis of data. For me, for any leadership student--from the neophyte to the seasoned or unconvinced practitioner of leadership research--this book is quite an illuminating and wise investment.


Comments Welcome!

Your comments regarding the AoM-IAoM Development Plans are welcome on this blog. If interested in participation in one or more plans, please contact us at: develop.rep@inter-source.org.

We look forward to hearing from you.


AoM/IAoM Announces New Development Plans!

The Association has developed a number of initiatives to foster collaborative efforts between the AoM/IAoM, academia, industry, and small business organizations. These developmental plans are designed to support a variety of career and professional opportunities for individuals, as well as offer paths to organizational effectiveness and future growth. The efforts currently underway include the following:

  1. A global network of M.E.L.T. representatives representing institutions of higher learning and profit and nonprofit organizations
  2. A federation of partnerships with other associations and societies for broadening global discourse around the disciplines of management
  3. Leadership roles on the editorial board of one of four AoM/IAOM journals and/or participate in the AoM/IAoM conferences in a variety of leadership capacities.


  • AoM/IAoM M. E. L. T. Global Representatives - Position Categories: Management, Education, Leadership, and Technology (M.E.L.T)


  • AoM/IAoM International Federation of Management Disciplines
  • Advocacy organization for global change through professional seminars, publications, and educational programs worldwide
  • Conduct world summits around the four M.E.L.T. domains as they relate to social, economic, political and cultural issues in developing and underdeveloped nations


  • AoM/IAoM Leadership Development
  • AoM/IAoM Association Leadership Positions
  • Conference Session Chairs
  • Conference Panel Leaders
  • Brainstorm and Brain Thrust Session Chairs

If you are interested in learning more about these dynamic new plans and all the benefits associated with AoM/IAoM membership, please visit our website:www.aom- iaom.org/development.


Conference Call, Call for Papers, Reviewers, Chairs, and New Web Site Features

Conference Call, Call for Papers, Reviewers, Chairs, and New Web Site Features
The Association of Management (AoM) and International Association of Management (IAoM)

Conference Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2-4, 2008

Attention Academic and Corporate Colleagues,

This year’s Call for Submissions and Participation for the 2008 AoM/IAoM annual conference is located at http://www.aom-iaom.org/ on the introductory “splash page” listing the AoM/IAoM Website link. It calls for academics, and corporate managers in a variety of conference related activities and describes the different types of submissions the Association is seeking this year (both academic and fact-based). In addition, it provides information about the M.E.L.T. paradigm, which represents the organizing framework, along with membership information, the AoM/IAoM publication portfolio, individual leadership, and support/sponsorship opportunities.

AoM/IAoM welcomes visitors to its redesigned website. Its opening splash page Featured Articles section is prepared to receive web submissions from academics (faculty, academic officers, and administrators), corporate officers, human resource managers, and practitioners.

We specifically invite articles, which address, but are not limited to, contemporary global Management,Education, Leadership and Technology (M.E.L.T.) advances, challenges, and innovative practices within multiple cultural environs.

The redesigned AoM/IAoM website also includes a What’s New section intended for posting short reports on developments related to the AoM/IAoM M.E.L.T. paradigm and its four domains categories. These headline reports should be around a 25 words or less submissions with a linkto the full report for full details.

We invite you to submit these featured articles and reports by email to
aomgt@inter-source.org. at any time.

In addition, the newly designed website also features an Interactive Text Blogger for quick open loop, real-life discussions or notices. Here you will reach a global population having like interests in management, education, leadership and technology and related areas of concern. There is also a Speakers link for those who are available as speakers at the AoM/IAoM conferences and other events sponsored by the Association.

Finally, the Development Plans link introduces website visitors to several proposed collaborate efforts between the Association, academia, industry, small business organizations and independent entrepreneurs designed to enhance the professional developments of individuals and the growth and effectiveness of organizations.

We believe these extended features and services are of interest to visitors of the AoM/IAoM website. The intention is to enhance a dialog openness and networking capabilities between AoM/IAoM site visitors, members of the Association, participants of past and future conferences and to develop an interactive discourse among academics, corporate officers, human resource managers, independent practitioners and entrepreneurs, in short, leaders who are concerned with the current state-of-the-art in management, education, leadership and technology.

To keep connected, bookmark this site: http://www.aom-iaom.org/

Lead your footsteps toward us,

Dr. Willem A. Hamel, President
The Association of Management (AoM) and
The International Association of Management (IAoM)
920 So. Battlefield Boulevard, Suite 100
Chesapeake, Virginia 23322 USA
email: aomgt@inter-source.org
Phone: 1-757-482-2273
Facsimile: 1-757-482-0325