
Ventilating Colleges and Universities

It is understandable for societies to evolve, they have to possess the capability to develop in correct and positive ways, and minimally not so right ways, simply because there is no perfect avenue...we learn a great deal from our errors as we do from our successes. And during the 20th Century many mistakes were made in relation to government and societal comprehension of education, management of institutions, health care, organizational structure, human resources, nation cultures and interactions, economics, science, biology, politics, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, that we have overlooked the necessity of maintaining and retaining curricula, i.e., learning that is profound, factual, quantitatively replicable, and quite frankly concrete in every aspect in teaching upcoming generations charged with contributing to the betterment and evolution of our societies, independent in nature, however, complimentary to each other. Each society, each race of people are distinct and unique of another and each create and develop better ways to improve their homes, neighborhoods, communities and nations. We can never be cloned to be similar or cloned in all applications of life. Unfortunately we experience and continue to experience in this 21st century a devolution of all that is morally good by utter nonsense that has no factual basis for even being in the classrooms of academia, corporation and the general populations.

I have been sponging up the newer directions of colleges and universities these days, not excluding industry in Western civilization, especially concentrating on the quality of offered academic curricula, management styles and processes within corporate, and true leadership understanding of who and/or what a leader is functioning alone, viz. individually, or in groups and organizations. It appears the windows are forcibly being opened, ventilating the needs and demands of people whether they are students, mature, young, and active professionals seeking alternative methods of acquiring a solid education in multiple professions which allow them to use their time and assets in a far better fashion than formats of past 'brick-and-mortar' conditions.

Individuals today appear to seek greater options which allow them to grow without being tied down and unfree to express themselves, or care for their families. More and more seek to, not just discover, but to create, invent, develop, share and apply their talents and abilities more broadly than past generations. They realize their potential, they are more open to collaboration, even while seeking an edge, they provide wisdom to others.

Universities are beginning to fill the gap by offering part-time attendance in the pursuit of academic and professional degrees for this population, and corporate, in specifying the knowledge required of those they employ, are clearly propagating the direction higher education is to consider. Currently, academia is on track with the simple blackboard system, creating transformational executive education programs, and developing paradigmatica awareness in university business schools challenging executive education, among other procedures, enabling students to pursue the acquisition of useful, concrete degrees. Additional procedures and alternatives need be employed to attract even greater numbers of intelligent people who will be those who take the reins and lead us toward greater attainment. However, and most importantly, a learned faculty is a necessary requirement.

Stay connected. Submit your point of view.

Dr. Willem Hamel, President
Association of Management (AoM) and
International Association of Management (IAoM)

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